Sharepoint 2010 Out of Office Workflow...

When starting my new job as a System Administrator in Columbus, OH I came across a highly under utilized Sharepoint 2010 system. Having established a Sharepoint 2013 deployment in my last job, and having just enough knowledge of Sharepoint to make me dangerous, I decided that I would take it upon myself to make some additions which would take advantage of Sharepoint's workflow tasks. The first item on my chopping block was their out of office requests which were, up to this point, being done through Lotus Notes. 


  • Admin permissions to the page.
  • Sharepoint Designer 2010
  • Sharepoint Foundations 2010 deployment.

First, let's familiarize ourselves with the Sharepoint Designer 2010 layout so that we aren't fumbling around moving forward. When referring to Designer the "Ribbon" can be found at the very top of the page like many Microsoft's Office products since 2007. The left column, pretty self explanatory, can be found to the left of the main window. And the main window for our listening viewers out there can be found smack dab in the middle. 

Now lets take a crack at this workflow: 

Through sharepoint designer 2010 go to Lists and Libraries on the left hand side of the screen. 

Machine generated alternative text: Rapid - Infrastructure
Lists and Libraries
Site Pages
Site Assets
Content Types
Site Columns
External Content Types
Data Sources
Site Groups

On the top ribbon select Custom List

Machine generated alternative text: Lists and Libraries
Custom SharePoint Document External List From
List List Library List Spreadsheet

Create a new list labeled Vacation request. 

Machine generated alternative text: Create list or document library I. t?? IÍ1IIIIIIflIIIII
Add a new list or document library to your sfte
Enter a name and description
vacation request
[ 0K J [ Cancel ]jj

Click on your newly created list 

Machine generated alternative text: Announcements Lists
Calendar Lists
Links Lists
Phone Call Memo Lists
Resources Lists
Tasks Lists
Team Discussion Lists
TEST Lists
2Vacaton Request Lists
j] Whereabouts Lists

Next we will add our needed columns to our customized list. Click on edit List Columns under Customization which can be found in the screens main section.

Machine generated alternative text: Customization .4
Links to list customization tools.
D Edit list columns
0 Permissions for this list

Next click Add New Column from the "Ribbon" found at the top left of sharepoint designer. 

Machine generated alternative text: -Ac©Q •‘
Add New Add Existing Add to
Add to All Column Column
Column • Site Column Default View
kntentTypes Settings Type
Navigation <
/  Vacation Request/ j Vac
Site Objects A
+ —  Rapid - !nfrastructt
iŠ Raoid -Infrastructure
r.a...., kI-.-

From here you can select the "type" of column you are creating. We will start by adding the Title which should be a single line of text 

Machine generated alternative text: Ï112
Add New Add Existing Add to Add to All Column Column Coluir
Column • Site Column Default View Content Types 5eings Type Validat
single Line of Text Edit
Multi Lines of Text Vacation R
Choice - Infrastructure 
Currency Sin
Date & Time Per
Yes/No (checkbox Sin
)jyperlink or Picture Ch’
ookup (Information Already on This Site) Da
Calculated (calculation Based on Other Columns) Da
ferson or Group

Add the Column Name, in this case "title" the type, this was already selected when clicking on the dropdown list, the description, for title is pretty self explanatory "title", and add whether you want the field required, in this case we do!

Machine generated alternative text: Column Name  Type  Description  Required
Title Single line of text Title Yes

We will now add additional columns for the other information we will need moving forward. These will be created the same way as our title column was. For my needs I have Title, Username Full Name, Supervisor, Type of leave, Begin Date, End Date and Employee comments. My setup including column names, types, descriptions and whether they are required fields can be found in the image provided below

Machine generated alternative text: Column Name Type — Description Required
Title Single line of text Title Yes
Username Person or Group Username Yes
Full Name Single line of text Full Name Yes
Supervisor Person or Group Supervisor Yes
Type of leave Choice (menu to choose from) Type of leave Yes
Begin Date Date and Time Begin Date Yes
End Date Date and Time End Date Yes
Employee Comments Multiple lines of text Employee Comments

After our columns have been created make sure we save our work by right clicking the tab for the list and clicking save

Machine generated alternative text: a Vacation Requests/ Vacat Daniìart
+ ‘t  Rapid - Infrastructure Vacation Request  Editor
jti Liose
Column Name  Description  Require
fl CloseAlITabs
Title Title Yes
Username ‘3)  Username Yes
Full Name Li New lab Full Name Yes
Supervisor ro urrui ituup.i Supervisor Yes
Type of leave Choice (menu to choose from) Type of leave Yes
Begin Date Date and Time Begin Date Yes
End Date Date and Time End Date Yes
Employee Comments Multiple lines of text Employee Comments

We will now go back to the main page of our Vacation Request list. You can get there easily again by navigating to Lists and Libraries on the left hand side of designer and then selecting your Vacation Request list.

Machine generated alternative text: Navigation < Vacation Request
Site Objects A +  Rapid - Infrastructure  Lists and Libraries  Vacation Request 
Rapid -Infrastructure
j Lists and Libraries Use this page to view and manage settings for this list.
Site Pages List Information A Views
Site Assets
Key information about this list. Views display list data in pre!
Content Types
Site Columns Name: Vacation Request Name
External Content Types Description: <click to enter text> ©AIl Items
J Data Sources Web Address: /sites/ri/Lists/Vacation RequestJAlllte...
Site Groups List ID: {0725E141-D764-42D7-883A-981264EF741
Subsites Last Modified: 7/24/2015 10:07 AM
Items: 2
Lists and Libraries A
Lists a
j Announcements Customization A
j Calendar Links to list customization tools.
j Links
O Edit list columns Forms
jPhone Call Memo L  Permissions for this list
j Resources Forms are used to display an’
j Tasks File Name
j Team Discussion Settings A IjDispForm.aspx
jTEST General settings for this list. LEdiworm.aspx
.4... General Settings

On the top of Sharepoint Designer 2010 in the ribbon you will now select List workflow. 

Machine generated alternative text: _________ List Settings
List List List Custom Edit Delete Rename Edit Docun
View Form Workflow Action Columns Templat
New Edit
Navigation <
Cta flkartr A . Dnni tnfr.rtr,i,,r I

We will name this WorkFlow "Out Of Office Request"

Machine generated alternative text: Create List Workflow - Vacation Request >
Add a new workflow to your list
Entera name and description for your new workflc’w
Out Of Office Request
j OK Cancel ]j

We will next be presented with an empty task screen.

Machine generated alternative text: ,,/Vacation 
+ “ê •  Rapid - Infrastructure  Workflows  TEST  Editor 
r (Start typing or use the Insert group in the Ribbon.)

By right clicking within the step we can add conditions and actions. This can also be done through the Ribbon by clicking action or condition.

Machine generated alternative text: Move Up  2 Else-If Branch e
4 Move Down  Parallel Block t10 +i1
Condition Action Step Publish Export Workflow Initiation Form Local As
Advanced X Delete  Impersonation Step Globally to Vicio Settings Parameters Variables C
Modify Insert Manage Variables
( /acation Request7g rEsf’Ç\
A + 4 -  Rapid -Infrastructure  Workflows  TEST  Editor b
Step 1
(Start typing or use the Insert group in the Ribbon.) 
Machine generated alternative text: /  Vacation Request  TEST 
r 4 —  Rapid - Infrastructure  Workflows b TEST b Editor b
Step 1
(Start typing or use the Insert group in the Ribbon.)
_fw step
Parallel Block
Common Conditions
If anyvalue equals value
If current item field equals value
Recent Actions
Set Content Approval Status
Lookup Manager of a User
Create List Item
Set Workflow Variable
Coiled Data from a User
Start Approval Process
Send an Email

We will start off by sending an email to the user that their request has been accepted. Click within the Step and then from the ribbon click action and select Send an Email. Next, click on the blue text labeled "these users"

Machine generated alternative text: Step 1
Email these users

You will presented with a secondary window. Click on the address book next to To:

Machine generated alternative text: To:

We will want this email to go to the user that put in the request in the first place. Select User who created current item and then click add.

Machine generated alternative text: Select Users
Type a Name or E-mail Address:
Or select from existing Users and Groups:
People/Groups from SharePoint site..
Workflow Lookup for a User..
User who created current tern
Abass Bangura E
Alex A Veit
Arnulfo Wing —
Bradley S Bell
Bruce Goetz
Bruce R Goetz
Bryan A Young
Chris Chapman
Cody J Mesther
Curbs W Thoma
[ Add» ]
[_Move Down_j
Selected Users:
User who created current item
_______ _______ I
[ oi ] [ Cancel ]

After clicking ok you will be returned to the original window. We will next add a subject line to the email.

Machine generated alternative text: 3 Define E-mail Message L   J
ro: Current Item:Created By
Subject: You have submitted an Out of Office Request
Tahoma • Automabc

We will also want to add some information for the user about their request. We can add this information in the body of the email. We can call upon the data from the original task by clicking on the "Add or Change lookup" on the bottom of the current window.
Machine generated alternative text: Add or Change Lookup ] [ 0K ]  Cancel j

In the "Data Source" field we will select Current Item. The "field from source" will relate to the current data we want to include in the email. For example if we wanted the users type of leave we would select the type of leave item.  In this instance I want to tell the user the type of leave they were requesting along with the dates and who the approval request was sent to.

Machine generated alternative text: Choose the data source
retrieve data from:
Clear Lookup j

Upon selecting type of leave click OK. It will be added to your email.

Machine generated alternative text: Define E-mail Message
ro: Current Item:Created By
Subject: You have submitted an Out of Office Request ______
Tahoma  B .
You have requested time off for [%Current Item:Type of Ieave%]

I have set up my email with the following fields. These were all selected by following the above steps and cannot be copied and pasted or typed in with a similar format. I SAY AGAIN, the only way to add a field is by selecting it through the above process.

Machine generated alternative text: rA Define E-mail Message LS ‘
lo: Current Iteni:Created By
Subject: You have submitted an Out of Office Request ZE1J
Tahoma LEI lo Ef1EJÏJ. Automabc
You have requested time off for [%Current Item:Type of Ieave%] from [%Current
Item:Begiri Date%] to [%Current Item:Erid Date%j
Your request has been submitted to [%Current Item:Supervisor%) for further approval.

After all of your information is added to the email click OK at the bottom of the "Define E-Mail Message" window

Machine generated alternative text: Add or Change Loop [ 0K j [__Cancel

Next we will add a second step to our process. Right click outside our original step and select "Step"

Machine generated alternative text: Step J.
Email Current Item:Created By
ji step
£i Impersonation Step

Click within our new step and select "Start Approval Process" from our Action button on the ribbon

Machine generated alternative text: t Move Up
Move Down
Email Current Item:
[Sf]  Else-If Branch 
L_J 4j Parallel Block ‘
Step Publish Export Workflow Initiation Form Local As
F1 Imoersonation Steo Globall to Visio Settinos DnmDtDrc Variablpc r
All Actions
Declare Record
Delete Item
Discard Check Out Item
Set Content Approval Status
Set Field in Current Item
Undeclare Record
Update List Item
Wait for Field Change in Current Item
Relational Actions
Lookup Manager of a User
Task Actions
Assign a Form to a Group
Assign a To-do Item
Collect Data from a User
Start Custom Task Process

This process will send a task to the manager to approve/reject our Out of Office Request. We will change the individual that the process is assigned to by clicking "these users" much as we did with the email step above. Click the address book next to the participants field

Machine generated alternative text: Parbdpants:

This time we will click the "Workflow Lookup for a User..." selection and then click Add.

Machine generated alternative text: r seiect trom exisung users ana croups:
Add» j
Workflcw  foraUser. .
User who aeated current item
Abass Barigura E
Alex A Veit
Arnulfo Wing
Bradley S Bell
Bruce Goetz
Bruce R Goetz

We will now be presented with a secondary box.

Machine generated alternative text: Lookup for Person or Group L 
Field Data to Retrieve
Choose the data source to perform the lookup on, then the field to
retrieve data from:
Data source:
Field from source: LEI
Return field as: _______ _______ i:i
‘ Clear Lookup ‘ L OK ii r Cancel 1

Once again in "Data Source" we will select Current Item. In "Field from source" we will select supervisor.  This field is once again being pulled from our original list that we created in the initial steps. 

Machine generated alternative text: LookupforPersonorGroup
Field Data to Refrieve
Choose the data source to perform the lookup on, then the field to
refrieve data from:
Data source: Current Item Rl
Field from source: w
Return field as: Path
Server Relative URL
_______ Sort Type .
dear Lookup j kpav.xr 1Li
-. ride inked to item with edit menu) (old) w

Leave this return field as "As String" and click OK. Add any other users you would like the task to be assigned to. For instance if you wanted someone from Human Resources to know about the request or a secondary supervisor or manager.

Click OK again to be returned to the "Select Task Process participants box". Add whatever title and information you would like the supervisor to have for the approval request. I added the type of leave and any comments that the user had. You can do this by referring to the steps that we used when creating the original email. (Add or change lookup, etc.) 

Machine generated alternative text: Select Task Process Participants
Parbcipants: Current Item:Supervisor
Task Request
Out of Office Request
Oneatatinie(serial)  LJ
Type of Leave: 1%Current Item Type of Ieave%Ì
Comments: r%Current Item:Emplc’ yee Ccmrrer L
[ Add or Change Lookup j
Duration per Task:
Due Date for Task Process:
[ 0K ] [ Cancel j

After this looks the way you would like it click OK. 

We will now add another step to our process by right clicking outside of step 2 and clicking step 

Machine generated alternative text: Step 1
Email Current Item:Created By
Step 2
Start Approval (4) process on Current Item with Current Item:Supervisor
W tep
ßj Impersonation Step

These next steps will add any approved requests to the Sharepoint calendar and send an email to the user informing them whether the request was approved or denied. Select step 3 and then go to condition on the sharepoint designer ribbon. Select "If any value equals value" 

Machine generated alternative text: tri j 12? El] 
Conditioi Action Step .
I —  Impersonation
Common Conditions
If any value equals value
If current item field equals value • Editor 
Other Conditions
Created by a specific person
Created in a specific date span
Modified by a specific person
Modified in a specific date span
Person is a valid SharePoint user
Title field contains keywords  nt Item:Supervisor
g 46 -ci
Publish Export Workflow Initiation Form Lo’
Step Globally to Visio Settings Parameters Varie
Manage Variab

We will now click on value within the newly created condition which will create an "fx" botton. Click the "fx" button 

Machine generated alternative text: (Start typing or use the Insert group in the Ribbon.)

Next, we will select Workflow Variables and Parameters as our "data source" and Variable: IsItemApproved for our "field from source". Click ok 

Machine generated alternative text: Define Workflow Lookup
Field Data to Retrieve
Choose the data source to perfórm the lookup on, then the field to
retrieve data from:
Data source: Workflow Variables and Parameters
Field from source: Variable: IsltemApproved
Return field as:
[Clear Lookup j OK r Cancel

In this instance we want our "equals" value to be Yes. So click "value" and then select Yes from the drop down.
Machine generated alternative text: If Variable: IsitemApproved eguaIs
. [Yes
(Start typing or use the Insert No
Step 3

Using a similar process as before we will now create an email task to send an email to users when their Out of office request is approved. 
We will start off by sending an email to the user that their request has been accepted. Click within the Step and then from the ribbon click action and select Send an Email. 

After clicking on "Send an email" you will see it show up under your step (pretend step 1 says step 3 here). Click on the blue text labeled "these users"

Machine generated alternative text: Step 1
Email these users

You will presented with a secondary window. Click on the address book next to "To":

Machine generated alternative text: To:

We will want this email to go to the user that put in the request in the first place. Select User who created current item and then click add.

Machine generated alternative text: Select Users
Type a Name or E-mail Address:
Or select from existing Users and Groups:
People/Groups from SharePoint site..
Workflow Lookup for a User..
User who created current tern
Abass Bangura E
Alex A Veit
Arnulfo Wing —
Bradley S Bell
Bruce Goetz
Bruce R Goetz
Bryan A Young
Chris Chapman
Cody J Mesther
Curbs W Thoma
[ Add» ]
[_Move Down_j
Selected Users:
User who created current item
_______ _______ I
[ oi ] [ Cancel ]

After clicking "OK" you will be returned to the original window. We will next add a subject line to the email.

Machine generated alternative text: 3 Define E-mail Message L   J
ro: Current Item:Created By
Subject: You have submitted an Out of Office Request
Tahoma • Automabc

We will also want to add some information for the user about their request. We can add this information in the body of the email. We can call upon the data from the original task by clicking on the "Add or Change Lookup" on the bottom of the current window.

Machine generated alternative text: Add or Change Lookup ] [ 0K ]  Cancel j

In the "Data Source" field we will select Current Item. The "field from source" will relate to the current data we want to include in the email. For example if we wanted the users type of leave we would select the type of leave item.  In this instance I want to tell the user the type of leave they were requesting along with the dates and who the approval request was sent to. (If you haven't noticed by this point these are quiet literally the same steps as we used before when sending an email).

Machine generated alternative text: Choose the data source
retrieve data from:
Clear Lookup j

Upon selecting Type of leave click OK. It will be added to your email.

Machine generated alternative text: Define E-mail Message
ro: Current Item:Created By
Subject: You have submitted an Out of Office Request ______
Tahoma  B .
You have requested time off for [%Current Item:Type of Ieave%]

I have set up my email with the following fields. 

Machine generated alternative text: Define E-mail Message
to: Current Item:Created By
CC: ‘{]
Subject: Vacabon Request Approval
Tahoma LEI lo LE1f1WL • Automabc
The following leave request has been approved
Name: [%Current Item:FuIl Name%]
Supervisor: [%Current Item:Supervisor%]
Type of Leave: [%Current Item:Type of leave%]
Begin Datelîime: [%Current ltem:Begin Date%]
End DatelTime: [%Current ltem:End Date%]
[ Add or Change Lookupj OK ir__Cancel

After clicking "OK" we will return to the original workflow screen. We will now want to create a calendar item within our Sharepoint calendar. Click underneath the email task and then on the Designer Ribbon under action select "Create List Item" 

Machine generated alternative text: 4,  Else4f Branch
Parallel Block
j Impersonation Step
gí -=1
Js3 Us
Publish Export Workflow Initiation Form Local
Globally to Visio Settings Parameters Variables
Add a Comment a
Add Time to Date
Do Calculation
Log to History List
Pause for Duration
Current Item: Pause until Date
______________ Send an Email
Set Time Portion of Date/lime Field
Set Workflow Status
4ooroval (4) prc
Set Workflow Variable
Stop Workflow
Document Set Actions
Capture a version of the Document Set
jable: IsItemAp Send Document Set to Repository
Set Content Approval Status for the Document Set
mail Current Ib
Start Document Set Approval Process
List Actions
Check In Item
Check Out Item
Copy List Item
Create List Item
flarl2ra Darnrri

Click the new popup box labeled "Create new List Item" and select the "List" you would like for the item to be created in from the drop down box. My calendar easily enough is called Calendar.

Machine generated alternative text: Create New List Item
File Name Conflicts
Choose what should happen if the file name specified conflicts with an
existing file in the Document Library:
® Append a unique idenbfier to the end of the file name
Overwrite the exisbng file
o, j [ Cancel ]

You will now need to associate the "field" column with the "value" you want added to the new entry. Select one of the list fields and then click modify.

Machine generated alternative text: Create New List Item
List: Calendar
Field Value
Titie (9
Start lime (S) ________
End Time (9
File Name Conflicts
Choose what should happen if the f ile name specified conflicts with an
existing file in the Document Library:
® Append a unique idenfifier to the end of the file name
Overwrite the exisbng file
[ Add... ]
[ Modify... ]
[ Remove j
[ 0K ] [ Cancel j

Click the fx button next to the "to this value" field.

Machine generated alternative text: Value Assignment
Set this field:
ro this value:
[ 0K j [ Cancel ]

We will now select the data that we want displayed as the title of the new list item. In my case I want it to be the name of the user in question. So for "Data Source" i select Current Item again and in "Field from source" I select Username. Since this is a string leave the "Return field as" as As String

Machine generated alternative text: Lookup for Single line of text I ______
Field Data to Retrieve -
Choose the data source to perform the lookup on, then the field to
retrieve data from:
Data source: Current Item
Field from source: Username
Return field as: As String
[ Clear Lookup J [ 0K ] [ Cancel J

Click OK and OK again. You will now do this for the rest of the items being requested. Below you can see what settings I have put in place.

Machine generated alternative text: Create New List Item
List: Calendar
Field Value [ Add .. ]
Title (‘) Current Item:Username [  j
StartTime (j Current Item:Begin Date
End Time (j Current Item:End Date [__Remove j
File Name Conflicts
Choose what should happen [the File name specified conflicts with an
existing File in the Document Library:
® Append a unique identifier to the end of the file name
Overwrite the existing file
[ 0K j [ Cancel J

After these items have been updated click OK. 

For the final step of the process we will send an email to the user if their time has been rejected. From underneath the grey line we will select and add the condition "Else" 

Machine generated alternative text: Step 3
If Variable: IsltemApproved equals 
Email Current Item:Created 8v
then Create item in Calendar (Output to Variable: create)

This can be done with a right click and then selecting Else-If Branch

Machine generated alternative text: If Variable: IsltemApproved equals Y
Email Current Item:Created By
then Create item in Calendar (Output to Variable: create)
If any value equals value
If current item field equals value

Our else clause will be simple. Just sending an Email to the Created By user saying the time was rejected.

Click within the Step and then from the ribbon click action and select Send an Email. After clicking on Send an email you will see it show up under your step. Click on the blue text labeled "these users"
Machine generated alternative text: Step 1
Email these users

You will presented with a secondary window. Click on the address book next to To:

Machine generated alternative text: To:

We will want this email to go to the user that put in the request in the first place. Select User who created current item and then click "add".
Machine generated alternative text: Select Users
Type a Name or E-mail Address:
Or select from existing Users and Groups:
People/Groups from SharePoint site..
Workflow Lookup for a User..
User who created current tern
Abass Bangura E
Alex A Veit
Arnulfo Wing —
Bradley S Bell
Bruce Goetz
Bruce R Goetz
Bryan A Young
Chris Chapman
Cody J Mesther
Curbs W Thoma
[ Add» ]
[_Move Down_j
Selected Users:
User who created current item
_______ _______ I
[ oi ] [ Cancel ]

Click "OK" and add the rest of your information.

Your finished project should look something like this.

Machine generated alternative text: Step 1
Email Current Jtem:Created By
Step 2
Start Approval (4) process on Current Item with Current Item:Supervisor
Step 3
If Variable: IsltemApproved equals 
Email Current Item:Created By
then Create item in Calendar (Output to Variable: create)
EmailCurrentItem:Created By!

Click Save on the ribbon and then publish you project. Please remember to "Publish" your project. Without publication Sharepoint will not put your workflow into production.

Machine generated alternative text: Workf low
J MoveUp
j Move Down
Save Publish Check Advanced Condition Actic
for Errors Properties X Delete . .
a Vacation Request/g mcr’
4  Rapid - Infrastructun
Site Objects
Tnfnrtr. ‘ri. ‘ra

From here we can go back to our Sharepoint site and begin using our List. 

Just as a quick run through. Click on Vacation Request.

Machine generated alternative text: Lists
Ca len da r
Vacation Request
Phone Call Memo

Next click on Add new Item

Add your vacation information as you see fit. 

Machine generated alternative text: Save Cancel
Title *
Username *
Full Name *
Supervisor *
Type of leave *
Begin Date *
End Date *
Employee Comments
š Cut
—  Copy
Attach Spelling
Actions Spelling
PaidDayoif vi
Type of leave
Begin Date
End Date
‘ AI? B I 
“ ¶4
Employee Comments

After this has been submitted our vacation process will send an email to the submitter and then add a task for the person listed as supervisor.

Machine generated alternative text: Home Documents and Instructions
Libraries D iQ Type Title
Shared Documents
Open Systems J test
J test
Huddle board OHEW
VM We re
. + Add new item
Site Pages
Ca len da r

Their approval or rejection will shoot us an email and add it to the calendar that we have requested within out workflow!

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1 comment:

  1. I can't believe no one else has commented on this...this is the best post I've seen on this. Details for EVERY step (literally!). THANK YOU for creating this excellent resource; exactly what I needed!
